Re: Jump Fuel (was Re: [TML] Instant city) Tim 14 Feb 2016 03:28 UTC

On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 11:45:07AM +0000, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) wrote:
> p.s. One thing has long bugged me about his little 3system/3parsec
> 'pocket universe' There are at least 3 stars w/i it & what happens
> when their light/radiation goes out & then comes around back? After
> all it's no more than 3 parsecs in any direction & it's been over
> 100,000 since he created his pocket-verse.

That probably means the pocket universe looks like it has a lot more
stars in it -- after 10^5 years, on the order of a trillion.  That's
somewhat more than in our galaxy, but they would also appear to be
further apart than usual.  If there were any (even very thin) clouds
of interstellar dust or gas in the pocket universe, even that wouldn't
be visible.

The time required before problems associated with Olber's Paradox
start to manifest in a space three parsecs around would on the order
of billions of years.  Even then, they're soluble to any entity
capable of creating such a space in the first place.

- Tim