Re: Jump Fuel (was Re: [TML] Instant city) Tim 14 Feb 2016 03:41 UTC

On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 12:24:03PM -0500, Richard Aiken wrote:
> So you must have set up a fake starfield like I did? Otherwise the
> total lack of visible stars would have been the first clue . . .

It doesn't need to be fake.  Light from a nearby star doing a dozen
circuits around the pocket universe will most likely appear to be
coming from a distant star, and a pretty dim one at that.  A thin
medium of interstellar gas and dust will absorb a tiny bit of the
light each pass, dimming the apparently very distant stars even more
and reradiating in longer wavelengths.

After 100k years the thermal spectrum could be pretty close to
blackbody with temperature around 15 K.  The background radiation in
our universe is closer to 3 K.

- Tim