Re: [TML] Squadron Strike:Traveller launchestoday!! David Jaques-Watson (21 Feb 2016 01:19 UTC)
Re: [TML] Squadron Strike:Traveller launchestoday!! Ethan McKinney (21 Feb 2016 01:38 UTC)
Traveller boardgames WAS: Squadron Strike:Traveller launches today!! BK (21 Feb 2016 04:31 UTC)

Traveller boardgames WAS: Squadron Strike:Traveller launches today!! BK 21 Feb 2016 04:31 UTC

This thread got me to thinking, I've never tried any of the Traveller
boardgames.  Anyone recommend one?  I think I have all of them on the
FFE CDs.  I think I might also have purchased Power Projection, which I
don't think is strictly Traveller, as it looked pretty good.

I've played a lot of Axis & Allies over the years so a similar level of
complexity and abstraction would be good.  I don't have any minis as
that looks to be an expensive hobby.  My A&A games all have plastic
pieces does anyone know of plastic sifi minis?

