Re: [TML] T5 Review Phil Pugliese 15 May 2016 17:11 UTC

On Sun, 5/15/16, <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [TML] T5 Review
 To: "TML" <>
 Date: Sunday, May 15, 2016, 7:45 AM


 Personally, I have no problems with the inclusion
 dying during the character generation process
 in my opinion, the possibility reflects real

For those of us who have served on active duty in the military (as MM himself did)
I'm sure that it's apparent that a char will eventually 'top out' .

In the Trav chargen sequence chars will eventually get to the point where they will get so old & that will become increasingly enfeebled if they continue.

Who wants to play a a 100+ years old Grand Admiral whose StrDexEnd have values of 1?

Also, a char might not gain a commission till after quite a terms or even not at all.

Then there's the that requires rolling the dice to determine skill acquisition (in my experience this is one of  the most ignored rules. everyone wants to be able to personally select their skills). After a while it's just not worth to get another 'unwanted' skill.

I usually liked to play "experienced" chars w/ at least 6 terms as my father did in RL (entered the US Army Air Corps in early 1942 at the age of 19, retired at the age of 42), however, in the end, trying (no guarantees) for future terms would then be dependent on the level of the chars attributes. Too many failed 'ageing' die rolls have cut short a number of careers.   Usually though, in my experience, careers are ended by failed re-up rolls as only (at least in CT LBB1) w/i the Navy & Scout careers  is enlistment virtually automatic.

p.s. I actually did once witness the generation of a one-term Scout. The poor guy rolled 'snake-eyes'!
