Re: Multi Jumping is no big deal since LBB5v1, was Re: Incredibly efficient! was Re: [TML] L-Hyd not necessary for jumping & misc.... Phil Pugliese 21 May 2016 06:00 UTC


Depends on what you mean by "ruleset".

I consider both LBB5's to be part of the same ruleset, ie:CT (T1)

I can't really see treating each book as separate ruleset even if one book is a revised version of the other.


On Fri, 5/20/16, Craig Berry <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: Multi Jumping is no big deal since LBB5v1, was Re: Incredibly efficient! was Re: [TML] L-Hyd not necessary for jumping & misc....
 Date: Friday, May 20, 2016, 4:07 PM

 I think
 you could make a good case that each ruleset should be
 treated as a standalone entity for "official"
 purposes. So if jump governors aren't mentioned in a
 given ruleset, then they don't "officially"
 exist under those rules. Bringing them in from a prior
 ruleset would be categorized as a house rule.
 On Fri, May 20, 2016 at
 4:00 PM, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) <>
 This email was sent from which does not allow
 forwarding of emails via email lists. Therefore the
 sender's email address (
 has been replaced with a dummy one. The original message


 I guess we have different definitions of the meaning of the
 term "did away with".

 To me it means that if something was previously introduced
 it should be *explicitly* excluded.

 As always YMMV.


 On Fri, 5/20/16,

  Subject: Re: Multi Jumping is no big deal since LBB5v1,
 was Re: Incredibly efficient! was Re: [TML] L-Hyd not
 necessary for jumping & misc....

  To: "TML" <>

  Date: Friday, May 20, 2016, 2:19 PM



  From: "Phil

  Pugliese (via tml list)"



  "TML" <>

  Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 7:46:26 AM

  Subject: Re: Multi Jumping is no big

  deal since LBB5v1, was Re: Incredibly efficient! was

  [TML] L-Hyd not necessary for jumping & misc....

  >Well, not

  really, at least as far as the *effect* of a

  >Before the intro of the 'governor a

  ship had to use the same amount of fuel no matter how far

  jumped & that >amount of fuel was dictated by

  it's J-rating, ie: a J4 ship needed to use enough

  for a J4 no matter how far it >jumped.

  >After the governor's intro, the ship

  only used the amount of fuel required for a jump of

  distance, ie: a J4 ship >w/ enough fuel for J4 would

  use 1/4 for a J1, 1/2 for a J2, 3/4 for a J3, & all

  it for a J4.

  >CT LBB5 HGv2 may not have mentioned

  the items you detail but that doesn't mean to me

  they were "done >away with".

  >It just means

  that they weren't mentioned.

  The issue is that had

  your first purchase been CT LBB 5 HG2 1980 you would have

  knowledge of jump governors, missile magazines or

  From 1980 onward first

  time gamers, unless they had some players with copies of

  LBB 5 HG 1979, would have no knowledge of jump

  With the release of CT LBB 2 1977/1981 the jump fuel

  were changed to match CT LBB 5 HG2 1980.

  Technically speaking the

  published rules in 1980 and 1981 did away with jump


  >p.s. Capacitors/accumulators *were*

  still detailed in the section on Black Globes.

  Yes, CT LBB 5 HG 1979 p.

  28 mentions that the Black Globe "totally envelopes

  ship in an absorbent black sphere. All incoming energy

  diverted to capacitors, and does no damage." The

  following information is also provided: "If a

  amount of energy is absorbed by the globe, the

  might overload, dropping the barrier as well as doing

  extensive damage to the ship."

  CT LBB 5 HG2 1980 p. 31

  provides, in my opinion, a bit more information about

  capacitors that the Black Globe diverts all incoming

  to capacitors in the jump drive. The jump drive has 1.5%

  the ship's mass tons of capacitors installed and

  additional jump drive capacitors can be purchased

  for MCr4.0 for each one ton of capacitors.

  Yes CT LBB 5 HG 1979 p.

  32 mentions that a in order to use disposable L-Hyd

  the jump drive must have a "special high capacity

  accumulator" installed. A drop tank's base cost

  Cr10,000 + Cr1,000 per ton of fuel capacity. The

  high capacity accumulator is available at TL 12 at a cost

  Cr500,000. Under these rules installing a single 50-ton

  L-Hyd disposable fuel tank costs Cr10,000 + (50 x Cr1,000)

  Cr10,000 + Cr50,000 = Cr60,000. The  special high

  accumulator tacks on another Cr500,000 increasing a

  hull's cost by CR560,000.

  CT LBB 5 HG2 1980 p. 23

  does not mention the need for special high capacity

  accumulator, a TL requirement, or a cost. The same

  50-ton L-Hyd disposable fuel tank costs Cr10,000 + (50

  Cr1,000) = Cr10,000 + Cr50,000 = Cr60,000.

  In CT LBB 5 HG

  1979 both capacitors and accumulators are mentioned. In

  LBB 5 HG2 1980 the only mention is about capacitors

  installed in the jump drive that the black globe

  energy to and the ability to purchase jump drive

  in 1 ton lots with a price of MCr4.0.


  course there are probably references to accumulators in

  materials I have no read after 1980 and nothing got

  in the materials written prior to 1980.

   Tom R


  On Thu, 5/19/16,


   Subject: Re: Multi Jumping is no big

  deal since LBB5v1, was Re: Incredibly efficient! was

  [TML] L-Hyd not necessary for jumping & misc....

   To: "TML"



  Thursday, May 19, 2016, 8:27 PM



   PDT Phil,


   CT LBB 5 HG2 1980 did away

  with the

   jump governor, the

   special high


  accumulators required to use

   drop tanks,

  and missile



   Tom R





   Pugliese (via tml







  Thursday, May 19, 2016 7:39:55


   Subject: Multi Jumping is no big

   deal since LBB5v1, was Re: Incredibly

  efficient! was Re:

   [TML] L-Hyd not

  necessary for jumping & misc....


   This email was sent

   from which does not allow
 forwarding of emails via

   email lists. Therefore the sender's email


 has been

  replaced with a dummy one.

   The original

  message follows:




   Well, it's

   really not that hard to explain;


   "Well there's

  another ship

   that's equipped with a

  jump governor so it doesn't

   have to

  use all it's fuel each jump & doesn't

   therefore have to refuel each time it jumps.

  Ain't it

   something how popular those

  gadgets have gotten since that


  'MM' invented them."



   On Thu, 5/19/16, Craig Berry



    Subject: Re: Incredibly

  efficient! was

   Re: [TML] L-Hyd not

  necessary for jumping & misc....


    Date: Thursday, May

  19, 2016, 4:02 PM


    Yep. The

    only thing

  that's hard to explain about

   the AN is


    every Imperial ship in the

   sector (and every commercial ship

    that's heard about it) isn't


   in an all-out

    hunt for the thing. Magic

   tech can sometimes be reverse


   after all,

  and this magic might prove especially

    valuable for whichever faction grabbed


   first. Think about *entirely new


  of Jumping*. Who knows; with some

    tweaking you could perhaps get the


   time from weeks

    to hours or minutes. Or

   perhaps there are parts of the tech


   you could adapt to

  make normal J-drives more efficient.

    Seriously, the player characters


   be able to

    reach the Annic Nova through

   the traffic jam of other ships

    trying to

   grab it.

  I'm picturing a situation much like

    that of the Streaker in Brin's





    May 19, 2016 at 3:54 PM, Bruce








    On May 19, 2016, at







    Hello Richard,



    If one believes in that the hydrogen is



    around the ship

   to form a

  bubble that somehow





    is used to open jump

  space then the Annic







   drives have a huge

  problem to overcome.



    To paraphrase an

   out-of-date cultural reference:

    “Jump’s got 99 problems, but the


   Nova ain't





    Dealing with a one-off artifact of an

   extremely higher,

    unattainable  TL is


  easier than dealing with the many

    consequences of the rules as stated.



    The main issue here is the unintended

   consequences of


  rules. The AN is

   painfully simple to

  explain: it’s

    Clarke’s Third Law







    Bruce Johnson




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