Advice (and maybe assistance?) Requested: Writing a Setting Jeff Zeitlin (12 Feb 2018 01:11 UTC)

Advice (and maybe assistance?) Requested: Writing a Setting Jeff Zeitlin 12 Feb 2018 01:10 UTC

I'm considering the idea of writing a setting for Cepheus Engine, but I
have a couple of problems that are show-stoppers for a one-person (me!)
effort. I'm therefore turning to the Collected Experience for advice, and
potentially putting together a working group to thrash out the needed
details for the setting in question, and beating the resulting document
into more-or-less publishable shape.

The setting is best described as a mashup of several well-respected
universes that are out there in SF; further details for the working group
only. The main questions I have are:

1. What needs to be in the setting book, in terms of making the universe
   playable without being flats for the PCs to stand in front of whilst
   deliving their lines?

2. Once the Stuff From Question 1 is there, how should the end-product
   document be organized?

3. What other questions should I be asking here?

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