Re: [TML] Meta & The Traveller Adventure Rusty Witherspoon 12 Feb 2018 17:12 UTC

Also note in the meta that popular threads are either
A: technical discussions with a high number of variables (gee, how good can a TL 6 missile get?)
Or B: allow additional analysis of the OTU
The further one deviates from either point (with the perfect TML thread being a technical analysis of the OTU), the less discussion happens, with the occasional deviation happening from interest.
Thus, we should trawl the archives to determine average replies in nontechnical (opposite of Type A) and ATU (opposite of type B) threads.
I'm not good enough at programming to do this.

On February 12, 2018, at 1:02 AM, Rupert Boleyn <> wrote:

On 12Feb2018 2159, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) wrote:
> Or you can explore a society, like the Zhodani, in which the bulk of
> the pop is, in reality, little more than slaves despite the official
> gov propaganda!

"And here we see the sad state of the Imperial subject, for if lies are
repeated often enough, and from an early enough age, even primitive
brainwashing techniques can be effective."

Rupert Boleyn <>
Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief
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