Toll Road Timothy Collinson (20 Mar 2018 19:34 UTC)
Re: [TML] Toll Road Ethan McKinney (22 Mar 2018 15:58 UTC)
Re: [TML] Toll Road Ethan McKinney (22 Mar 2018 15:58 UTC)
Re: [TML] Toll Road Kurt Feltenberger (22 Mar 2018 18:05 UTC)
Re: [TML] Toll Road Phil Pugliese (22 Mar 2018 19:20 UTC)
Re: [TML] Toll Road Rupert Boleyn (22 Mar 2018 22:15 UTC)
Re: [TML] Toll Road Kurt Feltenberger (22 Mar 2018 22:29 UTC)
Re: [TML] Toll Road Timothy Collinson (22 Mar 2018 18:00 UTC)
Re: [TML] Toll Road Bruce Johnson (22 Mar 2018 18:26 UTC)
Re: [TML] Toll Road Phil Pugliese (22 Mar 2018 19:25 UTC)
Re: [TML] Toll Road Rupert Boleyn (22 Mar 2018 22:10 UTC)
Re: [TML] Toll Road Grimmund (27 Mar 2018 17:01 UTC)
Re: [TML] Toll Road Grimmund (27 Mar 2018 16:59 UTC)

Re: [TML] Toll Road Rupert Boleyn 22 Mar 2018 22:15 UTC

On 23Mar2018 0820, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) wrote:
> OTOH, I never did buy the bit about how they stopped the K'kree from
> overwhelming them. My thinking is that a race/culture as militant &
> aggressive as the K'kree would've channeled their 'horror' at the
> discovery of the Hiver manipulation into an unrelenting resolve to
> wipe that race from existence instead of adopting what amounted to a
> 'cringe, cower & crawl away' strategy. Seemingly leaving them to
> pray, to whatever they pray to, that the Hivers don't turn their
> attention back to them someday.

Well, we don't have a K'kree version of the story, really, because they
don't want to talk about it.

As for the version we get from the Hivers, you can't trust anything they
say. Firstly, they're probably slanting the truth as they know it to
push you in some direction or another. Secondly, what they understand to
have happened is what they've been told or read, and it's from other
Hivers with their own agendas, so it's probably not entirely true
either. All of Hiver history is effectively oral mythology, and IMO the
correct discipline for studying them and their past is not sociology or
history, but (xeno-)anthropology and archaeology.

Hivers, and all their works, are a fabric of lies.

Rupert Boleyn <>
Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief