Acceptable Error on Ship Designs? Jeff Zeitlin (02 Apr 2018 00:32 UTC)
Re: [TML] Acceptable Error on Ship Designs? Kurt Feltenberger (02 Apr 2018 00:44 UTC)
Re: [TML] Acceptable Error on Ship Designs? Evyn MacDude (02 Apr 2018 17:47 UTC)
Re: [TML] Acceptable Error on Ship Designs? Postmark (02 Apr 2018 19:01 UTC)

Acceptable Error on Ship Designs? Jeff Zeitlin 02 Apr 2018 00:31 UTC

Technically, I believe the rules don't actually admit any allowance for
overage; a design that can't be brought below 101 tons must be treated as a
200-ton design. However, dating back to the LBB days, there's been a _de
facto_ allowance; at the moment, I don't recall whether that allowance was
10% or 20%. Can someone enlighten me, please?

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