Dear Subscriber,

I'm going to start this issue by passing along an appeal for assistance.  A writer has contacted me in hopes of finding someone to help him fact-check a Victorian-era novella or novelette that he has recently written.  The story is set in 1844, and he is hoping to hire someone who can help him avoid obvious anachronisms or period errors (along the lines of "but surely you know they couldn't have eaten that for supper since it wasn't imported until 1852...")  He has contacted several Victorian research sites with no success.

Is anyone on this list interested in such a job?  Do you know of anyone who might be able to assist?  Are you connected with any other lists or groups to which you could pass along the request?  Again, this writer hopes to HIRE someone (not simply take advantage of a Victoriana-enthusiast's good nature).  If you have any ideas on where he might find help, please let me know.

I'll move on with an apology for the lateness of the April-May-June issue of Victorian Times Quarterly.  It is in the works, and, barring unforeseen complications at the printer, should be available by next week.  I'm in the midst of creating VTQs for our first year of publication (2014-2015) and updating all the subsequent volumes with new volume numbers.  (Don't worry; if you've already bought previous issues, nothing is changing except the volume numbers.) 

And now, here's what we have for July:

Visit to download this issue!

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Have a wonderful summer!
Your Intrepid Editor,
Moira Allen