Dear Subscriber,

It seems just the other day that I was writing "Welcome to June," and now I'm sitting at my desk wondering if it's going to start pouring rain before the fireworks start!  (It actually started just as I was writing this...) So... welcome to July!  And Happy 4th of July to all our American readers!  (For our non-American readers, this is really the only day that Americans get to enjoy fireworks; overseas, there are a lot more firework festivals.)

I apologize in advance if this issue of the newsletter doesn't come out right.  The e-mail program I've been using to format the newsletter has suddenly undergone some drastic changes, and not everything is working the same way or in the same place or, so far as I can tell, even available.  Hopefully it will still be readable.

So let's see what's in store for July:

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this issue!

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VICTORIAN TIMES QUARTERLY #12 is here! This  volume features the April, May and June 2017 issues of Victorian Times, in a lovely, easy-to-read print edition. Here's what you'll find  in this volume: 


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Enjoy the sunshine, or the thunderstorms, whichever!

Your Intrepid Editor,
Moira Allen