Dear Subscriber,

Yesterday I visited my dentist.  When I left, the receptionist said, "Enjoy the rest of your summer!" The comment sent me home in confusion.  Is summer really here?  Part of me is still stuck in spring; I haven't quite accepted the fact that it's technically "summer."  And the other half of my mind was thinking, "but it's almost over!" If it's August already, September can't be far behind, and then...

I hope that these issues of Victorian Times are helping all of you enjoy your summer!  I never get tired of the amazing new things I keep discovering about the period.  It's often a bit like my "summer" dilemma.  On the one hand, I keep finding what a period of amazing change it was.  On the other hand, I keep coming across articles that show me that "the more things change, the more they remain the same."  In this issue, it's the charming piece about "The Compleat Novelist."  The author provides advice to the would-be writers of his day that sounds terribly similar to the advice I've been dispensing to writers over the last 15 years through  I've come across many articles to "hopeful writers" in Victorian magazines, and we editors are still saying the same thing after more than 100 years... 

But perhaps it's that continuity that keeps the period fresh even after all this time.  Victorians were people very much like us, and we like them.  So without further ado, here's what's in store in our August issue:

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VICTORIAN TIMES QUARTERLY #12 is here! This  volume features the April, May and June 2017 issues of Victorian Times, in a lovely, easy-to-read print edition. Here's what you'll find  in this volume: 


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Happy Summer!

Your Intrepid Editor,
Moira Allen