Dear Subscriber,

I sincerely hope that none of my readers have been adversely affected by the hurricanes that have been visiting us with such ferocity (or by other, more dreadful recent tragedies).  This has surely been a season to remind us that, no matter how advanced our technologies are, there are still things over which we have so very little control. We cannot control the weather; we cannot control our fellow man. 

I don't know what the next months will bring, but here on the East Coast, I anticipate an early and cold winter.  I'm taking a page from the Victorians and looking at what nature tells me in this regard - from very woolly caterpillars in my driveway, to deer that have already (in September!) put on their gray winter coats.  I've never seen a gray deer in September before (in fact, I don't think I've ever seen a gray deer at all before).  I had to look that up to find out what it meant, and somehow I don't think deer wearing winter coats in the early autumn is a good sign.  If I were a Victorian, I'd be stocking up on coal or firewood, and making sure that the root cellar was well stocked with supplies.

Soon it will be Halloween - and yes, Victorians did celebrate this festival, as you'll see in my editorial for this issue.  Trick-or-treating was still relatively unknown, though in the country the ancient tradition of "guising" might be practiced.  In Victorian England, one might carve a jack-o-lantern from a turnip!  (Somehow I don't feel inclined to give that a try...)  So now, without further ado, here's what you'll enjoy in our October issue: 

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VICTORIAN TIMES QUARTERLY #13 is now available! This  volume features the July, August and September 2017 issues of Victorian Times, in a lovely print edition. Here's what you'll find  in this volume: 

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Happy Summer!

Your Intrepid Editor,
Moira Allen