Dear Subscriber,

It seems just yesterday that I was shopping for Christmas decorations, and scarcely did I turn around from the cash register when they were putting up gifts for Valentine's Day.  (Seriously, there are stores here where you could actually shop for Valentine's Day at the end of December...)  I'm not ready to think about hearts and chocolates; I'm not really ready to embrace the concept that January is... well... over!

But at least that means it's time for an exciting new issue of Victorian Times!  I've always enjoyed being an editor, but one of the things I particularly enjoy about editing a magazine like this is... this month I get to run an article by John Muir!  Next month I get to run an  article by Mark Twain!  How cool is that?  (John Muir's tale of being stranded on a glacier with a remarkable little dog named Stickeen is cool in more ways than one...)  Plus, authors like John Muir and Mark Twain are absolutely no trouble at all to work with - they never complain or ask for more pay.  And if either of them had difficulty telling a comma from a semicolon, some other editor has already dealt with that issue; I don't have to! 

I suspect Victorian readers would have been properly horrified by the idea of buying Valentines in December!  But I imagine they would have enjoyed this issue as much as, I hope, you will!  So here's what we have for February:

Visit to download  this issue!

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Victorian Times Quarterly #14 is now available!

Victorian Times Quarterly #14 is available from Amazon.  Our 14th volume includes the contents of our October, November and December issues - including all the glorious Christmas articles that you'll find in this month's Victorian Times.  As I mentioned last month, you can also order this volume directly from us for a 33% discount - but if you do that, PLEASE be aware that shipping takes a bit longer.  We order the volume from CreateSpace, and they've been remarkably slow in shipping out books. (If you order directly from Amazon there is no such delay.)   Find out more at

Available from:, and

Happy Valentine's Day!

Your Intrepid Editor,
Moira Allen