Seeking JOSEPH KIMBALL Jeff Zeitlin (02 Sep 2019 22:51 UTC)
Re: [TML] Seeking JOSEPH KIMBALL hemdian (03 Sep 2019 05:14 UTC)
Re: [TML] Seeking JOSEPH KIMBALL Postmark (03 Sep 2019 06:21 UTC)

Seeking JOSEPH KIMBALL Jeff Zeitlin 02 Sep 2019 22:51 UTC

Back in 2003, Mr Kimball wrote an article for Freelance Traveller, "Missile
Magazines for High Guard". This week, I received the below inquiry from a
reader questioning some possibly anomalous figures from this article. Does
anyone have contact information for Mr Kimball that I may forward on this

>Concerning the article Missile Magazines For High Guard, why do the TLs in
>the article break TL 12 out from 10, 11, 13?  Why do the sizes appear to be
>inverted - making lower TL versions hold more missile?  Why are the number
>of launchers highest for TL 12?
>                        Launchers   Hardware Tons   Ready Missiles  Ready Missile Tons  Waste Tons  Battery Rounds
>100-t bay (TL 7,8,9)    5           20.5            130             78                  1.5         27
>100-t bay (TL 10,11,13) 7           28.5            119             71.4                0.1         18
>100-t bay (TL 12)       9           36.5            99              59.4                4.1         12
>50-t bay (TL 10,11,13)  5           20.5            45              27                  2.5         10
>50-t bay (TL 12,14,15)  7           28.5            35              21                  0.5         6
>All of the table appear to have this breakdown.

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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
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