Scouting in Your Traveller Universe Jeff Zeitlin (07 May 2023 01:25 UTC)
Re: [TML] Scouting in Your Traveller Universe Jeffrey Schwartz (07 May 2023 15:46 UTC)

Scouting in Your Traveller Universe Jeff Zeitlin 07 May 2023 01:25 UTC

I recently had occasion to look up some stuff about the Girl Scouts/Girl
Guides. One of the sites I found had different nations' GS/GG merit badges,
and each nation seemed to have some badges that were specific to the local
culture - for example, GG of Ireland had a badge for Gaelic Language, there
were a couple of Japanese-culture-specific badges for GG/Japan, and so on.
I suspect that I would have found similar "local" merit badges if I'd
checked the Boy Scouts as well.

In Your Traveller Universe, does Scouting/Guiding exist? What purely local
merit badges do your worlds and cultures have, and why?

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