You land at the starport of your lo-pop homeworld... Jeff Zeitlin (24 Dec 2016 22:02 UTC)

You land at the starport of your lo-pop homeworld... Jeff Zeitlin 24 Dec 2016 22:02 UTC

... to find the following waiting for you:

by and on the behalf of the people of <worldname>
to <character name>

Dated this <date, more than 90 standard days past>

*Y*O*U* *A*R*E* *C*O*M*M*A*N*D*E*D* by the majesty and power of the
people of <worldname> to stand forth in meeting open and public,
presided over by the Chief Magistrate, being one Vilhas Magyar Twill,
to answer such questions as may be put, on the topic of your fitness
to maintain holding on this world, and enjoy the rights and freedoms
appurtenant thereto, against claims made and specified of neglect of
responsibility for proper development and maintenance of said holding,
in the best interests of yourself, your dependents, and the society
and people of <worldname>; such meeting to be held on the ninetieth
day following the lodgment in public record of this notice, as
measured according to agreed-upon standards, at the Auditorium at
<government center>.

A duly subcribed Power of Attorney or Statement of Representation may
be submitted, no later than forty-five days following the lodgement in
public record of this notice, as measured according to agreed-upon
standards, authorizing another to speak and answer questions in your
stead, and such person and such speech or answers shall be held in all
ways as valid representations of your own speech or answers.

*S*T*A*T*E*M*E*N*T* *O*F* *J*U*D*G*E*M*E*N*T*
in the matter of People of <worldname>
Calling to Account <character name>
In Meeting Public and Open,
On <date, 90 standard days after the previous notice>

Be it known, that notice having been duly lodged in public record, not
less than 90 days previous to this notice, as measured according to
agreed-upon standards, a Meeting Open and Public was held on this
date, presided over by the Chief Magistrate, being one Vilhas Magyar
Twill, at which questions were to be put to <character name> regarding
his fitness to maintain holding on this world, and to enjoy the rights
and freedoms appurtenant thereto. The accused not appearing, and no
Power of Attorney or Statement of Representation being duly subscribed
and filed by the expiration of the period alloted for same, the
accusations were permitted to stand unchallenged, and judgment entered
against <character name> in the matter.

Be it further known that Judgement was rendered by the Meeting, and
spoken by the Chief Magistrate, being one Vilhas Magyar Twill, and the
substance of the judgment shall be the revocation of the holding on
this world, and of the rights and appurtenances thereto, and that the
person of <character name> is further declared to be outside the
protections of the law of <worldname> for a period of three hundred
sixty six days, as measured according to agreed-upon standards,
commencing from the date of this judgement, at the end of which time
said <character name> shall have the right to petition for readmission
to the lawful society of <worldname> in Meeting Open and Public.

Let no person in good standing in lawful society of <worldname> act
against this judgement.

OK, folks, take it from there - there's adventure hidden in those