Re: Landing vs hovering (was Re: [TML] What class of Port is this?) Rupert Boleyn (15 Aug 2017 23:51 UTC)
Re: Landing vs hovering (was Re: [TML] What class of Port is this?) Christopher Sean Hilton (16 Aug 2017 20:26 UTC)
Re: Landing vs hovering (was Re: [TML] What class of Port is this?) Christopher Sean Hilton (17 Aug 2017 02:19 UTC)

Re: Landing vs hovering (was Re: [TML] What class of Port is this?) Rupert Boleyn 15 Aug 2017 23:50 UTC

On 16Aug2017 0448, C. Berry wrote:
> Yep. And more generally, extending gear and resting the ship's weight on
> it create a great deal of wear and tear on both the ship and the ground.
> I believe that Traveller CG and thruster tech implies the ability to
> maintain a stable hovering position in the face of reasonable wind and
> other loads. If that's the case, it's likely that both ship and port
> operators will prefer to hover whenever that is practical.
> When landing outside an established port area, the hovering option is
> even more attractive. Ships are heavy, and any reasonable landing-leg
> design is going to produce enormous ground pressure under the "feet".
> Anything softer than solid rock or very hard-packed dirt is unlikely to
> be able to support a ship. You'd end up with a lot of situations similar
> to what happened to Luke's X-Wing on Dagobah. :)

And this is why I very kindly made the hot little ship I let the PCs in
my campaign recover a tail-lander with no CG. It makes their life so
much more interesting.

Rupert Boleyn <>
Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief