Re: Landing vs hovering (was Re: [TML] What class of Port is this?) Christopher Sean Hilton (16 Aug 2017 20:26 UTC)
Re: Landing vs hovering (was Re: [TML] What class of Port is this?) Christopher Sean Hilton (17 Aug 2017 02:19 UTC)
Re: Landing vs hovering (wasRe: [TML] What class of Port isthis?) Rupert Boleyn (19 Aug 2017 02:02 UTC)

Re: Landing vs hovering (wasRe: [TML] What class of Port isthis?) Rupert Boleyn 19 Aug 2017 02:02 UTC

On 19Aug2017 1142, Evyn MacDude wrote:

>   I got Distracted there... CT's model from this base is Grav drives are
> Thrust like devices.
> THough to be honest I have used the static concept in my games over the
> years, In that I like Landspeeders and in visual reference they tend to
> just hover there... (Note, in this way all the "Tank-like" vehicles in
> Traveller art make sense. Whereas they don't in the vtol model)

I used to use the TNE model, where a CG system creates a field of near
zero-G, in which the vehicle sits. These days, because I use GURPS and
it's convenient to follow its assumptions, I use GURPS' CG, where it's a
thruster that exactly counters local gravity fields up to its rated left
(but can't provide more lift than the exact counter thrust).

Rupert Boleyn <>
Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief