Re: Landing vs hovering (was Re: [TML] What class of Port is this?) Christopher Sean Hilton (16 Aug 2017 20:26 UTC)
Re: Landing vs hovering (was Re: [TML] What class of Port is this?) Christopher Sean Hilton (17 Aug 2017 02:19 UTC)
Re: Landing vs hovering (wasRe: [TML] What class of Port isthis?) Kelly St. Clair (25 Aug 2017 18:13 UTC)

Re: Landing vs hovering (wasRe: [TML] What class of Port isthis?) Kelly St. Clair 25 Aug 2017 18:11 UTC

I tend to go on the rather simple principle of TANSTAAFL, as manifest in
the Laws of Thermodynamics.  Wherever the energy comes from and however
it's applied, it's all got to add up the same way in the end.  If you've
got a device that appears to allow you to sidestep some part of physics,
you've still got to pay the energy cost somewhere/somehow.  (Otherwise,
congratulations, you have perpetual motion and/or energy ex nihilo.)

Kelly St. Clair